Do we need male leaders?

145994228Post-obit my give-and-take about Synod elections and gender (sex) representation, I came beyond an article in Harvard Business Review on why women detect it hard to break into secular leadership. (A friend tagged me in a link to it on Facebook—but in fact I heard it mentioned on Radio iv a few days previously.)

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic (what a great name!) poses the oft-asked question: how practise we explain the difficulty women take in  getting promoted, fifty-fifty in cultures where it is claimed we believe in gender (sexual practice) equality?

There are three popular explanations for the clear nether-representation of women in management, namely: (1) they are non capable; (2) they are not interested; (3) they are both interested and capable but unable to interruption the glass-ceiling: an invisible career barrier, based on prejudiced stereotypes, that prevents women from accessing the ranks of ability. Conservatives and chauvinists tend to endorse the first; liberals and feminists prefer the third; and those somewhere in the middle are ordinarily drawn to the second. Simply what if they all missed the big picture?

And what is this 'large motion-picture show' that we are missing? In the short just well-researched commodity, TCP proposes that groups e'er seek leaders, that they consistently appoint as leaders those who appear most confident, that this appearance of conviction often masks incompetence, or at to the lowest degree does not correlate with competence, and that men are best on putting on such a show. In other words, there is a fundamental trouble with most processes of appointment of leaders, and this promotes arrogant, showy men ahead of modest, competent women. TCP pulls no punches on why he believes (from the research bear witness) that women actually accept the qualities that are needed to exist meliorate leaders:

The truth of the matter is that pretty much anywhere in the earth men tend tothinkthat they that are much smarter than women. Still arrogance and overconfidence are inversely related to leadership talent — the ability to build and maintain high-performing teams, and to inspire followers to set bated their selfish agendas in order to work for the common interest of the grouping. Indeed, whether in sports, politics or business, the best leaders are usually apprehensive — and whether through nature or nurture, humility is a much more mutual characteristic in women than men. For case, women outperform men on emotional intelligence, which is a strong driver of modest behaviors. Furthermore, a quantitative review of gender differences in personality involving more than than 23,000 participants in 26 cultures indicated that women are more sensitive, considerate, and humble than men, which is arguably i of the least counter-intuitive findings in the social sciences. An fifty-fifty clearer picture emerges when ane examines the night side of personality: for instance, our normative information, which includes thousands of managers from across all industry sectors and 40 countries, shows that men are consistently more arrogant, manipulative and risk-prone than women…

In sum, there is no denying that women's path to leadership positions is paved with many barriers including a very thick drinking glass ceiling. But a much bigger problem is the lack of career obstacles for incompetent men, and the fact that nosotros tend to equate leadership with the very psychological features that brand the average man a more inept leader than the boilerplate woman. The result is a pathological organization that rewards men for their incompetence while punishing women for their competence, to everybody'south detriment.

There is no doubting the evidence base for many of these claims. And whatever discussion of leadership in the Church which borrows from secular leadership theories needs to have these factors into account. But there are some of import things missing from TCP's analysis. Starting time, what about humble men? Should we not exist concerned that they, likewise, are overlooked? Secondly, is information technology non possible for showy women to be promoted past their level of competence? My personal feel suggests this is just as much of a trouble. More fundamentally, if men (in general) have these egotistic qualities of hubris, and women (in full general) are apprehensive and competent just overlooked, what does that say about our understanding of humanity, fabricated male and female person? (On the mode, of form, this adds to the massive evidence that men and women are non substantially the aforementioned and therefore not just interchangeable in roles.)

This took me back to a wonderful thought experiment proposed by Roger Olson in his extended give-and-take of a recent book on gender (sexual activity) difference.

Image a world without females. (In that location are at least a couple of novels that do this.) But male humans exist in this imaginary world and cloning is the means of reproduction. What would exist missingbesides breasts, internal genitalia, etc.? No one I know thinks this would exist a expert world; it would be missing some very essential qualities. I call back everyone agrees with that. What would those missing qualities be? I doubtable we don't even need to answer that; everyone has his or her list.This is why there is such a push in academic circles to get girls and women into Stem disciplines and careers—considering those professions (it is said) volition exist "amend" with more women in them. Womenequally women contribute much to the earth and every profession in it. I have never met anyone who would argue with that other than patriarchal "complementarians" (neo-fundamentalists).

Now imagine a globe without males. (Once again, there are a couple novels that do this.) Only female humans exist in this imaginary globe and some means has been discovered for reproduction without males. What would be missingbesides external genitalia and Adam's apples? I recall many people recollect this could be a perfectly good world; it would not be missing any essential qualities. And those who think it would be missing some essential qualities are reluctant to say what they are. I am—because the push dorsum tin be very harsh (in my world).Could this be why nobody is proverb that whatsoever subject field or profession would be "better" if more men were in them? At least I have never read that inThe Relate of Higher Education or any other journal or article or volume most gender in academia and the globe of careers and professions.

Before moving on, pause for a moment and dwell in each of those idea experiments. See?

What Olson is highlighting is that, as we have moved from a civilization which has, for centuries or more than, imagined that the male person of the species is normative, and the female person is a poor derivative, the corrective response to that has not been to re-establish equality between and an equal appreciation of the two sexes, only more than often to reverse them. The female is normative or even virtuous, and the male person is a poor fake. Even as women are standing to agitate for better representation in the face of a continuing, deep-seated misogyny, there is a powerful misandrous narrative existence played out. A proper biblical understanding of homo created male and female person in God's paradigm will accost and correct both tendencies.

Richard Briggs, in his excellent Grove Biblical booklet due out in the next couple of weeks, brand a similar betoken in relation to the OT narratives most relationships between the sexes, here in relation to the narrative of Samson and Delilah:

One trouble for men today is that the word 'men' in one case meant 'everyone,' which so led to feminine feel existence a separate thing (and hence thelabel 'feminism'), but then all that remained for the men, for male feel, was the oppressive
leftovers of what used to exist true of anybody. So…real men like beer, sex, football, belching, laughing at people beingness stupid, and reluctantly having to remember their wedding ceremony or their mother's birthday every year… This is hopeless. Literally. There is no hope in it…

Now I am as dandy equally the side by side human (or adult female) to emphasize the importance of women's feel, perspectives and theological vision, but I am also keen for men, every bit men—not just as generic human beings—to experience the good news. What is the contrary of feminism? Is it 'masculism'? What, I wonder, would a masculist reading of Scripture look like?

Men demand readings of biblical texts that challenge unthinking male dominance, and replace it not with reciprocal female authorisation only with thinking men who atomic number 82, if they lead, reflectively, passionately, just also lovingly and with care for other men and women. When feminism merely inverts male person failings and appropriates them for women (one thinks of obsession with power or condition) and so this is bad news for everyone. (pp 7–8).

With the help of scriptural teaching and the biblical narratives, information technology seems to me that we need to recover the notion of men and women every bit both equaland different, in a style which allows the states to respect difference (including the possibility of the sexes contributing different things to different roles) but values each equally.

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